Celebrating Kairos’ Inspiring Progress with Early Intervention

Kairos, known affectionately as Kai, came into the world 10 weeks early, facing significant health challenges from the start. Born prematurely with congenital heart disease, Kai required extensive medical intervention, including heart surgery and ongoing support for breathing and feeding. His parents, Brian and Millad, committed wholeheartedly to ensuring he received the best possible care, partnering with Hope’s Homestart team for tailored early intervention.

With a comprehensive care plan designed by our dedicated staff, including Mary and Sabrina, Kai made impressive strides in his development. He developed the skills needed for crawling, significantly enhanced his oral feeding abilities, and began articulating comprehensible words—milestones that greatly encouraged both his family and our team. Hope’s ability to identify and address developmental needs provided crucial relief for Brian and Millad during a notably stressful time.

“I feel like we owe a debt of gratitude that we will never repay,” Brian shared. “They stepped in at one of the most difficult times of our lives and gave their best efforts to help.”

Kai’s initial months were spent in the hospital, focusing on growth and recovery. When he finally came home, Brian and Millad had natural concerns about his neurological development, given the limited social interaction during his stay. “It was quite daunting,” Millad explained. “We were told that definitive neurological outcomes might not be clear until he’s five years old. But Kai is making wonderful progress and is speaking more words every week.”

Upon exiting Hope’s Homestart program, Kai began attending daycare, which has been instrumental in his social and developmental progress. Hope’s Homestart team is thrilled to receive periodic updates from Kai’s family about the strides he continues to make.

By their last session with Hope Services, Kai had progressed from rolling to cruising and was gaining greater stability. Within four month, we received joyful updates of him taking steps at his daycare.

“Mary and Sabrina helped us navigate this stage, they really supported Kai and made the process much easier for us. This experience has definitely changed our lives,” Millad added.

At Hope Services, we are immensely proud to have supported Kai and his family on their journey. His story underscores the transformative power of our work and reinforces the importance of hope, resilience, and early intervention. We continue to celebrate every milestone with Kai and look forward to witnessing his ongoing progress.

Learn more about our Children and Family Services here.