Update to staff, clients and family members
May 1, 2020
Dear Friends,
We at Hope Services are committed to keeping you informed as we go through this COVID-19 pandemic together. As you may have heard, the shelter in place order from mid-March will now extend through May 31st, while some restrictions have eased and tools to strengthen containment of COVID-19 are also put into place.
We want to reaffirm our message that we are still here. We are currently serving over 1,750 clients per month, in addition to providing regular wellness checks to each of our clients.
While most of our programs have switched to a Telehealth model, Hope Services still operates 24/7 Supported Living Services in two counties in addition to our Behavioral Health Services in all the counties we serve.
We are developing a virtual learning program that will be rolled out to clients in the next several weeks, in addition we are working on details on how we open programs and still abide by social distancing guidelines for after May 31st.
May is Mental Health Awareness month. During these very stressful times it is even more crucial to take care of our mental health and that of our loved ones. It is important to regularly exercise, eat well, exclude negative news, limit alcohol intake, connect with people, and get as much sunlight, fresh air and nature as possible.
I wish you and all those dear to you, strength, good health and well-being as we weather this pandemic crisis.
Charles “Chip” Huggins, JD