Annual Report 2018-2019

Dear Friends,

Equity. Opportunity. Access. Inclusion. Community. Stigma Free.

These are more than just words — they are some of the ideals we live by throughout the organization.

This year’s Annual Report highlights the array of ways we are promoting and protecting the rights of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) and mental health needs. Through our programs in six northern California counties we are supporting and working alongside people with I/DD and mental health needs and their families to make a more inclusive society a reality in all aspects of life.

Our work has been going strong for nearly 67 years. We’ve made great progress, and proudly share with you our 2018/2019 accomplishments. Thank you for being a part of our past, present, and future as we strive to fully achieve our mission.

With much appreciation and warmth,

Charles “Chip” Huggins, JD

Making a Difference Since 1952

  • 3,258 clients served
  • 892 clients (27%) working
  • Six months after placement, 76% of those clients were still working
  • Average wage $13.37
  • 664 clients volunteering in the community for 19,841 hours
  • 76% of surveyed clients report improved mental health
  • CARF scored us at 97% and renewed our accreditation for another three years

A Hard-Working Staff and Leadership

Hope Services employs 646 full- and part-time staff. With the leadership of our Board of Directors and our new Community Advisory Council, they operate 11 programs. Results have been good. For example, 100% of families served by our Homestart program were completely satisfied with the services.

Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation at Hope Services

One of our employment programs is a new partnership with Green Street Books in Mountain View. A well-regarded seller on Amazon and eBay, they employ 4-5 Hope clients daily, sorting and processing books and media. The partnership is a great fit with our HopeTHRIFT stores. Thanks to HopeTHRIFT recycling/reuse reduction, 11.25 million pounds of items were diverted from landfills, and thousands of happy buyers found bargains.

Events and Fundraising

Our big event in 2019 was the inaugural “In Concert with Hope” benefit. Headlined by GRAMMY Lifetime Achievement Award recipient Booker T. Jones, and two-time GRAMMY nominee Mindi Abair and The Boneshakers, it raised nearly $400,000. We hope next year’s concert will do even better!

Your Donations at Work

In this report you’ll see examples of what your donations help us do. For example, $250 will provide 10 hours of mentoring and coaching to three young adult client interns working in the hospitals. $1,000 helps three clients secure employment for three months.