Community Living
We provide both Independent Living Services and Supported Living Services.

Community living services are provided directly to adults in their homes or community, with funding from DDS via the local regional center. There is no charge for support, but an individual is required to pay their own expenses such as rent, food, utilities, recreation, etc. Services may be provided 24/7 based on an individual’s choice and need. An individual’s family and friends may be involved in planning and oversight.
View Community Living Services Brochure (PDF)
Independent Living Services
Independent Living Services (ILS) is a training-based service that focuses on skill acquisition and support for self-care, communication, and community membership. The service begins with a comprehensive assessment of current independent living skills across all domains: financial, housing, vocational, self-care, self-advocacy, and mobility. Services may include training in number of areas, and can continue as long as needed.
- Financial management
- Health and safety needs
- Mobility
- Personal and social skills
- Recreation and leisure skills
- Communication
- Accessing community resources
Supported Living Services
Supported Living Services (SLS) provide a range of services and support to enable individuals to live in their own home. Health, safety and quality of life are the main goals.
- Locating a home of their choice and becoming the leaseholders or owners so they can control their own living arrangements
- Hiring support staff
- Medical, dental, and other appointments
- Money management
- Domestic skills
- Personal care
- Spending time outside their homes for fun, friends, and other activities.
All service decisions are based on an individual’s preferred lifestyle and individual service plan. In addition, emergency response and crisis intervention is available 24/7.
Transportation is typically arranged either through Paratransit (contracted by the local regional center), or staff/Hope vehicles.
Service Eligibility
Service eligibility is determined by a regional center. Your Service Coordinator will have information about the opportunity to participate.
Participants Must:
- Be 18 years or older and a client of the regional center.
- Live in a geographical area served by our programs.
- Have a primary diagnosis of a developmental disability.
- Be financially able to pay for housing, utilities, and food.
For more information regarding Supported Living and Independent Living, please contact:
Sheryl Hagemann
Director, South District (Santa Cruz, Aptos, Watsonville, Salinas, Seaside and Monterey)
Suanne Rinta
Director, North District (San Jose, Santa Clara, Mountain View, Palo Alto, Menlo Park and Half Moon Bay)